In today’s interconnected business landscape, the need for seamless collaboration between different departments and systems has never been more evident. While HubSpot excels in CRM and marketing automation, it lacks native financial capabilities. This limitation can leave a gap in managing interactions and providing personalized support based on financial data. QuickBooks, on the other hand, is a leading accounting and financial management application trusted by many HubSpot users. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the why, how, and what of Hubspot QuickBooks integration, along with its pros and cons.

Why Integrate HubSpot with QuickBooks?

Business operations thrive on collaboration rather than isolation. Integrating marketing and accounting software can streamline manual tasks and enhance the overall customer experience. Failing to integrate these systems can result in a disjointed customer journey and operational inefficiencies. Here’s why HubSpot and QuickBooks integration is crucial:

  • Accuracy in source tracking and reporting – Integration provides multiple data points for creating valuable reports, such as revenue by source, invoicing status, payment tracking, and revenue growth. This data accuracy is fundamental for informed decision-making.
  • Alignment of various teams – By integrating HubSpot and QuickBooks, you bridge the communication gap between sales, marketing, and finance teams. This alignment leads to better coordination and synergy across departments.
  • Improved customer experience – Enhancing the customer experience: By centralizing payment, invoicing, and sales data within HubSpot, your sales and support teams can work more efficiently and provide better assistance to customers. This leads to a smoother and more enjoyable customer journey.
  • Cash flow improvement – Integration reduces the time from proposal to payment receipt. Faster payments enhance cash flow, which is critical for business sustainability.
  • Minimal administrative work – Say goodbye to tedious data entry tasks and error correction across multiple systems. Integration automates these processes, freeing up your team’s time for more strategic activities.

Common Use Cases of HubSpot and QuickBooks Integration

In this section, we’ll explore real-world examples and use cases of Hubspot QuickBooks integration. These scenarios demonstrate the practical benefits of having a seamless connection between your CRM and financial systems.

Contact syncing

  • HubSpot to QuickBooks – Synchronizing contacts between HubSpot and QuickBooks is a common requirement. It eliminates the need for manual data entry into both systems. While HubSpot’s default integration lacks this feature, you can achieve it through third-party integrations or tools.
  • QuickBooks to HubSpot – HubSpot’s default integration covers contact syncing but primarily for newly created contacts. When a new payment is made in QuickBooks, it promptly reflects in HubSpot, populating the relevant contact information. Additionally, HubSpot allows custom contact properties to map QuickBooks fields. For existing contacts, direct import or third-party options can be employed.

Product syncing

  • HubSpot to QuickBooks – Default syncing from HubSpot to QuickBooks is available for products through Quickbooks to HubSpot Product Sync. However, the reverse direction may require third-party tools.
  • QuickBooks to HubSpot – Similar to contacts, product syncing in the default integration is predominantly for newly created products. To sync older products, consider importing them or exploring third-party solutions.

Invoices linking and statuses in HubSpot

A highly sought-after use case is linking invoices with HubSpot default objects and tracking their statuses. With this integration – 

  • Invoices can be linked manually to contacts, companies, and deals in HubSpot. No additional tools are necessary for this function.
  • All existing invoices can be linked to HubSpot records.
  • While manual linking is the current approach, automated matching and linking, even with email as a unique identifier, are not yet available.
Hubspot Quickbooks Integration

Invoice creation within HubSpot

Generating invoices using HubSpot is made easy through its integration with QuickBooks, allowing you to create invoices directly within the HubSpot platform.This feature is available in the default integration, allowing users to generate invoices in HubSpot, automatically linking them with HubSpot records and syncing their statuses. You can even create invoices using published quotes and existing data within HubSpot, streamlining the invoicing process.

Hubspot Quickbooks Integration

Workflow automation using QuickBooks

Once you’ve activated the integration, you can make the most of additional deal attributes like the invoiced amount, recipient, invoice number, status, and due date to initiate automated workflows. For example:

  • Dispatch transactional emails regarding billing.
  • Set up scheduled SMS or email reminders for invoices, 7 days before, 1 day before, and on the due date.
  • Issue courtesy reminders to customers and deal owners for overdue payments.
  • Notify the onboarding team through Slack when payments are successfully processed.

Reporting on financial data

Accurate data tracking and reporting are vital for small businesses. Utilizing the integration between HubSpot and QuickBooks, you have the ability to establish dashboards and generate reports that rely on QuickBooks invoicing data. These reports can be associated with source-related attributes, such as the original source, for comprehensive insights and analysis.

This empowers your team to better understand the return on investment (ROI) of various marketing sources.

Reporting on financial data

Basically, integrating HubSpot with QuickBooks opens up a world of possibilities for businesses. It streamlines operations, enhances accuracy, and improves the overall customer experience. While there may be some limitations and complexities to consider, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Whether you’re syncing contacts, products, invoices, or automating workflows, this Hubspot QuickBooks integration can significantly boost your efficiency and effectiveness in managing your business processes.

Enhancing the Syncing Structure for QuickBooks HubSpot Integration

The default integration between QuickBooks and HubSpot primarily covers the synchronization of contacts, products, and invoice data, with additional QuickBooks options available in the HubSpot right-sidebar. This is how the following structure is – 

Enhancing the Syncing Structure for QuickBooks HubSpot Integration

However, this structure may not suffice for many businesses. Ideally, invoices and transactions should function as objects similar to deals or contacts, associating them with HubSpot’s standard objects. Why is this crucial? It enables the customization of invoice options, syncing behavior, workflow triggers, and reporting properties.

Unfortunately, the default integration does not provide this level of flexibility. To achieve this, businesses may need to explore third-party integrations or APIs other than Hubspot integration with QuickBooks.  It’s worth noting that the custom objects option is exclusively available to enterprise customers, limiting its accessibility to all users. For enterprise clients, the creation of a custom object in HubSpot for invoicing opens up the possibility of setting up data synchronization using APIs or third-party tools, unleashing the full potential of HubSpot and QuickBooks integration.

Limitations of QuickBooks HubSpot Integration

While the default integration offers valuable features, Hubspot QuickBooks integration does come with some limitations:

  • One-way sync – Most options are limited to one-way synchronization, necessitating additional tools for two-way integration.
  • Lack of customizability – Custom objects are unavailable, restricting linking to default objects only.
  • Manual invoicing linking –  Automated linking of invoices with deals or contacts, even using unique identifiers like email, is not supported. Manual linking is required.
  • Limited historical data –  Historical contact and product records are not available for syncing.
  • Tax, currency, and geography limitations – The integration has limitations in handling taxes, currencies, and client geography.

Marketplace Apps for Enhanced HubSpot QuickBooks Integration

For businesses facing limitations with the default integration, several marketplace apps offer enhanced functionality:

  • QuickBooks advanced automation – Provides two-way syncing and automated linking of invoices with contacts, deals, and companies.
  • QuickBooks desktop sync – This feature connects QuickBooks Desktop with HubSpot, extending integration capabilities beyond the default setup.
  • Quote to QuickBooks – It enables the automatic conversion of quotes created in HubSpot into estimates within QuickBooks.
  • IntegrateIQ – This tool provides bidirectional synchronization and extends support to HubSpot Custom Objects for more comprehensive integration capabilities.
  • Third-party bridges – Common third-party integration platforms like Zapier, Integratedly, Zoho Flow, and Integromat can connect HubSpot and Quickbooks for specific use cases.

How to Integrate and Utilize HubSpot with QuickBooks?

HubSpot and QuickBooks integration can streamline your business processes and enhance efficiency. Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing the QuickBooks Online Integration and utilizing its key features – 

Hubspot QuickBooks online integration – 

  • Navigate to the Marketplace symbol on the left of the main navigation bar and select “App Marketplace.”
  • Use the search box to find and choose “QuickBooks Online Integration.”
  • Click on the “Install App” icon to the right of QuickBooks Online.
  • Log in to your QuickBooks account.
  • Once the integration is successfully installed, you can customize it by clicking on “Connected Apps” under your settings.

Enabling contact sync – 

  • Navigate to your account’s primary menu and select “Settings.” 
  • Then, on the left-hand side, go to “Integrations” and choose “Connected apps.” 
  • Locate “QuickBooks Online” from the options. In the dropdown menu, select “Contacts,” and activate the toggle button to initiate the synchronization of QuickBooks customers with your HubSpot contacts.
Enabling contact sync

Enabling product sync – 

  • Within your HubSpot account, go to the main navigation bar and click on the settings icon.
  • Then, on the left-hand side, click on “Integrations” and select “Connected apps.” 
  • Locate “QuickBooks Online” in the list of connected apps. 
  • Next, from the dropdown menu, choose “Products,” and activate the toggle option to synchronize your QuickBooks Products with your HubSpot Products.
Enabling product sync

Creating invoices – 

  • Choose “Deals” from the Sales menu.
  • Choose a deal record by clicking its name.
  • Under the “Invoices” section, click “Create Invoice” on the right side.

Read Also: methods to Master In QuickBooks offline?


Incorporating QuickBooks with HubSpot brings valuable integration capabilities to the marketplace. Many businesses are already benefiting from this integration. However, it’s important to note that certain limitations may require users to explore external options for more tailored integration solutions. As both HubSpot and QuickBooks continue to evolve, we can anticipate significant updates in the future, making this integration even more robust and reliable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HubSpot QuickBooks integration?

HubSpot QuickBooks Integration is a connection between HubSpot’s CRM and QuickBooks, allowing for the seamless exchange of data between these two powerful platforms. It enables businesses to streamline their sales, marketing, and financial operations by synchronizing information such as contacts, products, invoices, and more.

How do I set up HubSpot and QuickBooks integration?

To set up the integration, follow these steps:

Access the App Marketplace in HubSpot.
Search for “QuickBooks Online Integration.”
Install the app and log in to your QuickBooks account.
Customize the integration settings as needed.

What are the benefits of HubSpot and QuickBooks integration?

The integration offers several benefits, including improved data accuracy, enhanced customer experience, streamlined workflows, and better financial reporting. It enables businesses to make informed decisions and boost operational efficiency.

Is HubSpot QuickBooks desktop integration available?

Currently, there is no native integration for QuickBooks Desktop. However, third-party solutions may provide options for integrating QuickBooks Desktop with HubSpot.

Can I sync HubSpot with QuickBooks online?

Yes, you can sync HubSpot with QuickBooks Online. This integration allows for the automatic exchange of data between HubSpot and QuickBooks Online, making it accessible and up-to-date in both systems.

What data can be synced between HubSpot and QuickBooks?

HubSpot and QuickBooks integration typically sync data related to contacts, products, invoices, payments, and financial reports. The specific data points may vary based on your integration setup.

Are there any limitations to HubSpot and QuickBooks integration?

Yes, there are limitations, including one-way sync for most data, lack of customizability for custom objects, manual linking of invoices, and limited historical data syncing. Additionally, tax, currency, and geographic limitations may apply.

Do I need third-party tools for two-way HubSpot QuickBooks integration?

Yes, for two-way integration or to overcome certain limitations, you may require third-party integration tools or custom development to achieve specific syncing requirements.

What are some alternative options for HubSpot integration with QuickBooks?

Some alternative options include using third-party marketplace apps like QuickBooks Advanced Automation, QuickBooks Desktop Sync, Quote to QuickBooks, IntegrateIQ, and third-party bridges like Zapier, Integrated, Zoho Flow, and Integromat.

How can I troubleshoot common issues with HubSpot QuickBooks integration?

To troubleshoot common integration issues, you can refer to the documentation provided by the integration provider, reach out to their support team, or seek assistance from experienced developers or consultants who specialize in HubSpot and QuickBooks integration.

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